
Watching and Making: A specific question of cinema which allows the discovery of the different parameters of cinema on every encounter: mise en scène, sound, light, acting, editing… Featuring resources to explore the topic in an educational setting. Play under examination: Between the real and the imagined, play opens up a free space in which directors, like the characters they creates, sieve with joy.

Rules of the Game

Working on individual and group exercises outlined by a strict set of rules allows us to experiment with and understand the elements at play in this question of cinema. Over to you !

Filming a game: Choose a game or an aspect of play that you like. Film it in a documentary manner. This game or play can be played by one or more children, or even adults.  

Improvising a game: Two children are thrown out of class by their teacher. They are put into a small space. However, the children make a game out of what they find there. Their bodies, the space and the objects in that space all play a part in the film.

Vertigo: Film a character who becomes disorientated during play. The character loose the sensation of space, time and balance. Film both the character and a representation of the sensations that they are experiencing.

Workshops Exercises

“Overview of the plays, across the world” : this montage is made up from a selection of clips from across the exercises made as part of the project. The exercises were made by groups of young people aged from 6 – 20 in 14 different countries.

LE JEU - Exercice 1 LE JEU - Exercice 2 LE JEU - Exercice 3 LE JEU - Exercice 4