Meno Avilys |
Meno Avilys has been acting in the area of film education and film preservation since 2005. In 2006 it initiated the first national film education project in Lithuania “Film at My School”. In the framework of this project, the NGO has published film compilations and teaching guides, organized teacher training seminars. In addition to this, it implements various film education activities at schools, orphanages and health care institutions. In 2009 Meno Avilys became a member of international video education network “Viducate” and organized “European Video Education Forum 2009” in Vilnius. At present it has also started developing an online cinematheque which will contain national documentaries accompanied by educational material. In 2014 Meno Avilys has initiated an in-depth research evaluating film and theatre education programmes for school students. Since 2014 Meno Avilys has become a member of two European projects in the framework of Audience Development (MEDIA): “A Framework for Film Education in Europe” led by BFI (UK) and Moving Cinema led by A Bao A Qu (Spain), started together with Os Filhos de Lumière. Meno Avilys believes that the project Le Cinéma, Cent Ans de Jeunesse is a great opportunity to discover new methodologies of film education, to exchange best practices, and, even more important, to share our insights into the world, to learn from each other attention and sensitivity to the environment and to bring our experiences to the big screen. |