Cineforum Teramo
Cineforum Teramo is a non-profit cultural association created in 1995. Its fundamental purpose is to spread the audiovisual culture through various projects, from the diffusion of cinema at school to the organization of festivals, aiming at making and diffusing quality audiovisual productions. Regarding its training activities, Cineforum Teramo organizes meetings with teachers to guide them through the use of audiovisual, workshops for young people from all ages, and interventions in schools. Among Cineforum Teramo’s manifestations, there are Cineteca in tasca e ABCinema, the Racconta la tua famiglia in trenta scatti project with Giuseppe Tornatore as a guest, with the European project Cinéma, Cent Ans de Jeunesse. From 2005 to 2014, the association organized the Cineramnia si gira a Teramo festival. More than 40 short films were made during the days the festival took place, and meetings with cinema professionals and Italian cinema experts occurred. Cineforum produced and co-produced several short films, documentaries and one feature film, which were nominated four times for the David di Donatello : L’uomo fiammifero by Marco Chiarini got two nominations for Best New Director and Best Visual Effects VFX by Ermanno Di Nicola, La Madonna della frutta by Paola Randi as Best Short Film, and Diario di un curato by Stefano Saverioni as Best Documentary. Cineforum also made a 3D short film, Salve la Regina by Laura Bispuri. |