Imagens em Movimento - Association Raiar |
The Raiar Association was created following an initiative to develop innovative arts projects in Brazil, including the Imagens em Movimento project, which has been delivering Cinéma, Cent ans de Jeunesse since 2011. The aims of the association are to create opportunities for Brazilian students and teachers to come in to contact with the diverse range of cinematic arts. Raiar’s activities are delivered by filmmaking professionals. Classes include : schools filmmaking; introduction to cinema classes for adults, which take place in cultural centres; teacher training courses; screenings of specific works; and discussions of films created as part of Raiar’s work. We are also currently developing a festival of films from Cinéma, Cent ans de Jeunesse and are in the process of publishing a book about the project’s 25 years. |
Escola Carlitos |
The Carlitos School started operation in February 1980. The pedagogy of the school is based around the central premise that is the student themselves who play the central role in their development, taking place in the cultural, social and civic environments of the world. It demands an educative strategy based around erudition and innovation, guided by ethical principals. In 2010 moving image education was introduced in to the curriculum with the “Cinematic Apprenticeship” project. This project creates the conditions to allow all of the students, from 3 – 15 years of age to experiment with cinema as an art form. The project is based around three principals: The Development of Ways of Seeing Dialogue with Other Forms of Artistic Expression Cinema Craft The pedagogical team of the Carlitos school is responsible for steering the journey of the project, which lies at the heart of the establishment: the choice of films, the training of the teaching group, the choice of professionals who come in to work with the school (animators, directors, technicians, sound engineers) and cinema researchers who come in to help with the project at several stages, the sharing of materials to the classes, the film making sessions and the financial management of the project. Escola Carlitos |